2022 American Jazz Pianist Competition

FINALS: May 9, 2022

ENTRY DEADLINE: April 15th, 2022

Please Download AJPC Application Here:

PDF Application Form

Please use this link to submit files electronically:

Submit Application Files Here

Please pay $65.00 entry fee through PayPal:

Payment must be made by PayPal.
Please login as a guest if you
do not have a PayPal account.

The 2022 AJPC is limited to only 45 entrants.
Please send entries as soon as possible to ensure acceptance.

Applications must reach us electronically by no later than April 15th, 2022.
We look forward to reviewing your application for the 2022 American Jazz Pianist Competition. The competition will be held at The JW Marriott Savannah Plant Riverside, 400 W Riverside St, Savannah, GA 31401 on May 9, 2022.
Open to North American Citizens (US & Canada) age 18-25 before April 15th, 2022.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

How to Submit Application Attachments

⇒Music, photocopies of ID's, and photographs must be sent in PDF format.

⇒Please submit HIGH RESOLUTION photos
(it may be necessary to send more than one email).

⇒Alternately, send us a link to a webpage with press photos in high resolution
(we prefer the links are attachments to email).

⇒If Internet Links are necessary for your submission, we must be able to download them easily
to add to a CD from which the preliminary judges will listen to your performance.
(All biographical information will be removed to maintain anonymity for judging)

All of the following MUST be submitted with your application form:

Proof of Age / Citizenship
• Driver’s license /Passport. Applicants must be ages 18-25 by April 15th, 2022.

• Include high-resolution, professional looking, digital press photos on a CD. Action or still shots with a piano and a headshot. (You must own the rights to these photos)

⇒Background Write-Ups
• Include education; employment as a pianist, if any; competitions and other public performances; studies (where, how long, what ages, etc.); career goals; and what you hope to achieve by entering the competition.

⇒Press Releases If applicable. (i.e., newspaper articles, personal brochures, websites, etc.)

Letter of Recommendation from Teacher, Employer, or Other Appropriate Source

⇒Solo Piano CD, DVD or Submit Your Files Electronically Please see website link and name your files, "YOUR Name-Song Name"

• CD/DVD Should include 4 tracks – tracks 1-2 must be solo piano and tracks 3-4 must be piano/bass/drums trio. The CD/DVD should include at least 2 jazz standards. Repertoire (song titles and composers) must be listed on a separate sheet included in the application. CD/DVD should be clearly marked with your name.
• Letter from teacher, employer, or other appropriate source verifying authenticity of the recording.

⇒Non-refundable fee of $65


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